Marcola OutBuilding Estate Preview
This page is for private viewing only. Do not Forward or share! Below are the images gathered at first look of the client's estate. Not all items will be for sale as they will keep items as they pair down to their new assisted living facility. There is a grandson being ejected from the property so most of the boy stuff and music instruments should be gone along with the White Van, Blue Blazer and other various items. In talking with the Referrer and the Home Owner, I had mentioned two separate sale dates and I was sure to mention 40% for the fee for the sale. That said; I am looking to YOU to help me estimate how well we can do with this sale. I am looking to place a range of value on the estate sale. I am also looking to determine setup time, Sale duration and cleanup time as well as the amount of resources we will need to succeed. Thanks to all of you for your input. After reviewing the below, please use the contact button below the slideshow to leave comments etc.